The picture tells all








I am certain to get blasted by my Green friends, but I must ask.  The data here is very accurate.  So, while it is certain that the earth is getting warmer, clearly warming cannot only be associated with the impact of human due to our industrial world.  The logic suggests that there is just as much likelihood that the warming will eventually turn back to cooler.


Look, I am very aware, living here in Florida where low elevation would be impacted by rising seas and where, far worse sooner, our drinking water could be imperiled by continued urban development, that nature is a fragile thing and we humans could be at risk.  Yet, throughout history, so often the story is that humans screw up nature exactly WHEN we try to get involved.  So, even though the intent would be noble (save the planet—I get it…good goal), human efforts to better things that nature sets up only makes things worse.  Thus, if Mother Nature really just has us on her normal swing in temperatures, even ones that might lead to less ice and a greener Greenland (what exactly is so bad about that, pray tell?), we would do well to stay out of it.


Yes, let’s fix what we can fix.  I am still waiting for Luke Skywalker’s floaty car.  If I were President, I would put major funding to ALL forms of energy, including lots of wind farms (sorry rich people living on the coasts….gonna see turbines soon, but you don’t care, right….because you are all for green), lots of solar, and at least two new nuclear plants in each state.  Let’s get MORE urban transportation going, build more bike lanes and encourage more walking.  I am all for it.


BUT, the moment you start deciding that we are going to pick winners and losers, including banning things like the combustion engine when we all know so many of the green crowd still happily drive their cars and trucks and fly in planes….that action has no ability to promise true positive benefit.  And we know that doing such would have a negative impact, particularly on the poorer people who actually enjoy air conditioning, driving a car to work and heat in the winter.


Well, like I said, probably going to get blasted by the green crowd, but I just had to ask.  The graph sure looks clear enough to me.