He is Risen!

He is Risen!


He is Risen, indeed!


Seems like in today’s world we need this hope more than ever before, and more than ever before (at least in our country’s history), more of us simply do not believe this.


It is like finding out from the owner of a restaurant, as we stand outside his place, that he is giving meals away for free right at that moment…and we simply refuse to believe this.


Sure, I know the old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”  Most of the time this adage is true.  And maybe, as you sit here in April of 2012,  you simply cannot get past that—too many hurdles—not sure you believe in a hell, know too many “Christians” who are the worst people to be around, seen too much junk inside churches, too many questions about difficult topics like the problem of pain, or maybe just simply are too tired to even remotely believe in the idea of God.


But, every so often, the thing “too good to be true” actually.  The owner of the restaurant really is going to give you a free meal.  The professor really is going to let you re-write the essay.  The police officer really is going to let you drive away with a warning.


Jesus really did rise from the Dead.  He offers you a chance at salvation.  There is a cost, of course—though the gift is given freely, the grace extended is not cheap.  He really does want to help you change your life.  There will be burdens of obedience.  Yet, He promises that He will make the burden light because He will be with us, always.


It is a good offer.  I once didn’t really believer either, but I took the gamble.  Decades later, I promise you that the gamble has already fully paid out!


I hope you’ll take a look.


Christ is Risen.  He is Risen INDEED!