Cherish Each Day

Easter was a blast for our family.  It almost always is, but as my girls grow older, I am more conscious of every day passing.


I still remember being about 14 or 13 when my sister decided that hunting for eggs was too childish for her.  I still begged Mom to let me decorate eggs that we would hide.  Sure enough, after morning Church,when we came home, I got to hunt for eggs.  I don’t really know what my sister was thinking, but I believe that was the last year.


This year, my eldest turns 17, and yet her precious youthful heart continues to enjoy the fun and tradition of hunting for eggs in our yard.  So, on Easter, we dutifully decorated eggs, included some plastic eggs and fun goodies from the “Easter Bunny” and away we went.  There was our typical laughter and silliness, complete with our annual tradition of losing an egg somewhere outside.  Last year, we lost an entire package of Peeps that were not found for about a month (should have seen those).


Each day is special.  Do you notice?  Easter is about a miracle, yet today so often we think no miracles happen.  Well, while it’s probably not as impressive as being raised from the dead, the miracle of laughter, of a good friend, of being able to enjoy a sunrise or a quiet walk—-those are pretty good.


The idea of the Live Well blog may seem to be about achieving some fame or success.  It’s not, not really—instead, it is about understanding how to live well.  Just that–live well.  To do that, start with cherishing each and every day.  Cherish those around you who matter.  Cherish the laughter.  Cherish the quiet moments of time together.  Time will always be passing and before you know it, your little 3 year old will be turning 17, soon to be moving on with her life.


Make sure you don’t miss the journey.