A Message to the Occupy Movement

I appreciate your efforts, your energy.  I feel the same way about CodePink, moveon.org and the Tea Party.  I know you don’t want to be lumped in with “those guys” but ultimately, you are all after the same thing….massive change to the system.  Well, here’s the bottom line…just how desperate are you?  Well, I want you to read a post from 4 years ago that I think is very apt for you now, especially now that the election is very close.


I was teaching today about the Populists and the subsequent Progressive Movement. In that, I made the key point that those people who felt desperate to fight against the “powers arrayed against them” did so for over 20 years. From the 1870s through 1896, the Populist Party formed to fight against what they saw as the evil in the land—the Railroad, Big Business, Corrupt Politicians, and Big Money (banks, Robber Barons).


They didn’t survive the 1896 election, but their ideas bloomed in the Progressive Movement. Through the 1920s, Progressives put into motion many of the ideas and plans of the Populists. The first 3 Presidents of the 1900s were all seeped in the notions of reform of the Populists. In other words, though it took 40 years, these people fought long and hard for what they believed in.


Today, 2008, the operative word appears to be “change.” Of course much of this is backlash against President Bush. I believe in the decades to come, historians will look back at the general sense of disinformation that led the masses to come to a generally incorrect conclusion about the current state of affairs in the USA. Regardless, the overall PR of the media is against the President and the sense of many is major change is demanded.


Yet, this is not only something we see in the Democratic or more liberal side of America. Listen to the Conservatives–many of them are calling for something of a revolution against the Republicans and some are seeking a new party or a new movement.


Then there is the economic war being waged and leading the fight is the Fair Tax movement which I wholeheartedly support.


I have said for the past decade that massive upheaval is coming in the 2015-2025 period, so this cry for change is merely the thunder before the storm (think 1763-1773 before Lexington and Concord, or 1848-1860 before Lincoln’s election). We are ripe for many possible courses (new party, chaotic riots, elected benevolent dictator/Emperor, return to our historic roots/values, something unforseen) and all will bring major change.


Change. Change. Change.


Yet, just how desperate are you for change? What are you willing to endure to get where you think the country should go? The Populists were willing to fight for over 20 years and 40 years in total for major victory (which they got–check out their platform of the 1892 election and consider what all is now considered normal).


Are you?


Those of you who think Obama will be a savior–are you willing to stay the course for the next 3 decades to see his possible changes really become reality?


Those of you who hope Huckabee prevails (as I do)–are you willing to stay consistent for the next 3 decades to see his possible changes really become reality?


We have become a weak generation far too eager to find the easy way to quick riches, quick supposed success and quick outcomes. However, history teaches us that real value and real success never comes overnight. True change will come as each person determines to change from the inside, taking the long haul to a final conclusion.


So, just how desperate are you? Willing to fight for a few decades?