Weird online world

The world just keeps getting sicker and weird.

Once again we turn to Wired for this latest bit of sickness.

Ready for this? I’ll give you the short version.

  • 45 year old man poses as 18 year old son to find hot young women, also becuase he’s tired of his own failed life.
  • Meets awesome 17 year old and they hit it off.
  • Starts to pose as fake son’s dad, so now he’s having 2 conversations with the girl, though really both are him, of course.
  • His wife finds out, bust him in a real letter (snail mail) to the girl.
  • Girl connects with old dude’s worker collegeau to confirm story. The 22 year old dude confirms, but admits he also thinks the now-18 year old is hot.
  • The two of them taunt the old dude who, even though he’s busted, still keeps trying to talk to the chick. . .and she keeps talking back. Sigh
  • Old dude hates young co-worker, so he offs him (alledgedly, case still pending)
  • Cops go to young girl in West Virginia (why is it always WV; old dude was in upstate NY)
  • Cops go only to find out that there’s only a 45 year old plump mother of two posing as her 18 year old daughter (who apparently knew nothing).

So, final result–young 22 year old dude is dead because a 45 year old guy was mad that the young dude was making time on his fake son’s fake girlfriend.

Read it all at Wired.

In case you haven’t noticed, beware what you put on line and to whom you think you are getting close to. Never merely trust words on a page. Even when pictures (or in this case, sexy teen underwear) come with the words.

Man, our country is in so much trouble right now.