Warning: Controversial Musing

–Why do some claim/demand tolerance and then limit what they will tolerate if someone expresses a view we disagree with?


–why do we claim to have separated “church and state” here in the USA but then champion the government when it legislates moral/spiritual issues?


–why do some mourn the tragedy of the needless deaths of children killed in a school but ignore the needless deaths of hundreds of children killed in the womb?


–why do we champion someone as “Principled” when they hold true to core values and positions that we agree with, but label those with whom we disagree as “Intolerant”?


–why do we celebrate when the government acts in a way that supposedly provides more freedom or opportunity, yet all the while must limit our freedom to do it?


–why are we surprised or upset when an unmarried male isn’t eager to be devoted to or support his newborn child when all the while society urges a level of sexual freedom that completely undermines and diminishes marriage, the very institution that demands devotion and fatherly support?


–why are we surprised when the various wings or “sides” of government do not speak to each other in civil tones when culture celebrates TV shows, computer games and Hollywood movies that urge incivility towards one another?


–we are those who want more tolerance often the first in line to limit freedom, especially freedom of speech?


–why do so many continue to shop at places like Wal-Mart for the low prices and then complain about low wages throughout the country when those low wages are often forced by the contracts Wal-Mart demands of its suppliers in order to create the low prices?


–why do we claim poverty and beg the government to provide more resources when those who are making the claim have enough discretionary funds to afford game-systems, cell phones, cars and other pieces of evidence to a level of wealth largely unknown in most of the world?


–why do we assume the government should be able to have financial restraint and get out of debt when most Americans are addicted to debt to sustain the type of life they deem “their right”?


–why do we demand the government should create “shovel-ready jobs” when culture and society have largely demeaned “shovel-ready jobs” and tell young students the lie that they must go to college?


–why are we surprised when culture acts in a way out of step with our history, often acting in ways opposed to the very concepts that created our national success, when teaching the history of our country and culture are so often ignored or undermined?