Welcome to Adulthood Logan

Today is the day.  My little girl turns 18.


A grown-up.


An adult.


She can vote.  She can pretty much make her own choices and decisions and, according to the state, I have no say about it.


My prayer and that of her Mother is that we’ve laid the best foundation possible that shows her the majesty of God and the need to rely on Him for her path in life.


What is the world we have brought her into but a mysterious and wonderful place.  Yes, there are tough things right now.  Clearly, from where I sit, the country has moved not only away from our Christian foundation, but away from the common values that allowed for us to be so successful.  Yet, in the midst of that reality, young men and women like Logan emerge into the start of their adulthood.  The future is bright and, while not necessarily boundless, full of opportunity.  00000018


What choices she makes will allow her to move forward.  I hope she continues to trust my advice and, like many others that I have mentored in their 20s and 30s, she will come to me for counsel.   If she does, if she stays close to the Father, and if she continues to have faith in His great hand, His path, then no matter what else happens, she will have a successful life.


I have written this blog for the past 5-6 years and I have invested in others for now almost 25 years, for that point—to help others have successful lives.  For the past 18 years, I have poured as much of myself into Logan as possible.  I certainly have made mistakes, and there are plenty of things I wish I could do over.  Life never allows that however.  It’s probably for the best since we really do learn from our mistakes, from when we err.


Now, she is off to walk the adult path.  There will be tears to come, bills to pay, disappointments for sure—what good life doesn’t have those hard moments.  But, through it all, I will be there for her as long as God gives me breath.  I remember watching her take her first breath, and now while I watch her go forward with my own breath held, I know she will do well.  She makes me proud all the time—she loves others, wants the best for the least and the lonely, always willing to lend a hand, and a budding young leader who is fiercely passionate.


I love you Logan.  Happy Birthday.