Bonhoeffer on Peace

“There is no way to peace along the way of safety.  For peace has to be dared.  It is the great venture.  It can never be safe.  Peace is the opposite of security.”

—Dietrich Boenhoeffer


Many people want an end to all conflict.  So do I. However, 6000+ years of world recorded history tells us that conflict is embedded in our human DNA.  To succeed, many will tell you to choose the path of least resistance or of the safe passage.  And true, at times, this will ensure that you live to see another day, but historically, greatness was achieved only through the willingness to dare greatly.


As we head towards another national birthday celebration, and hopefully as you move one day further along on your path towards another life success, I hope you (and we as a nation) will again dare.    Life indeed is a great venture, but it is never safe.  Or, if it is safe, that means nothing great has been ventured, nothing great has been dared.


Be bold.