Be a Faithful Friend

The idea of being faithful to someone, especially through “thick and thin,” is really lost on many people these days.  Often, when hard times come, when one person becomes difficult for some reason, when an issue emerges, its just easier to bail.  We lie to ourselves and tell everyone that it was “their fault” or that “we just drifted apart.”


Take a look at this example of a true faithful friend.




Now, if you know the story found in The Lord of the Rings, you know that the person (well, the Hobbit) who almost drowns is Samwise Gamgee.  He is the gardener of the other Hobbit in the boat, the more famous Frodo Baggins.  Though the Hobbit society does not have the same social structure as that of humans, there certainly are richer Hobbits and smarter Hobbits than others.  Sam, then, is of the more working class Hobbits than Frodo, whose uncle Bilbo was very wealthy.  The point is that Sam didn’t have a good reason to really be faithful to Frodo other than his own inherent sense of devotion to a friend.


My life has been full of wonderful friends, some of whom I still have the honor of connection with through the current day miracle of the Internet.  Others are generally lost, I to them and them to me, but were our lives to reconnect in some way, we’d enjoy the reconnection.  However, there are others that are lost to me, sadly.  That has happened for different reasons, but in the end, something happened that then put a block between me and them.  In other words, in these cases, the other person did not get into the boat with me.  Instead, to extend the metaphor, they understood that I was heading towards serious danger, and yet they stood on the shore letting me leave.  It is always sad and frustrating.


When I first saw Fellowship of the Ring in the theater, when this bit showed, the first thing I thought about was how much I long for such friends.  And, my second thought was praying that I am that kind of faithful friend.  Upon reflection, I think I am that kind of friend, and I do have an amazing group of friends!  I think most of them would get in the boat with me.  How about you?


As you look into the end of the year, why not start now putting into action the foundation of your life that honors devotion.  Look for moments to stay true to a friend.  Perhaps one of them embarrasses you or calls you out in some way….something that typically might have you growing distant in the relationship.  Instead, go have a courageous conversation with them in order to restore the relationship.  Or maybe you find your love growing slightly colder to your mate.  Instead of letting those embers die down or instead of drifting into an illicit relationship at work or with a neighbor or even through something like porn, take your mate on a date.  Look for a new way to express your devotion to them….wash the dishes, take care of something they are usually responsible for.   You can do it.


Build a devoted spirit and become the faithful friend who will eagerly get in the boat with the other.  The “Frodo” in your life with thank you.