Bonhoeffer Speaks

The first in a series of short posts with quotes I really appreciate from historical figures, books and movies.


From his writing, Sanctorum Communio, 1927, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “Christ is really present only in the community.  The Church is the presence of Christ, just as Christ is the presence of God.”


In perhaps his most bold moment, he went on radio days after the election of Hitler as Chancellor.  During the radio address, he said this wonderful, penetrating statement about leadership: “Should the leader allow himself to succumb to the wishes of those he leads, who will always seek to turn him into an idol, then the image of the leader will gradually become the image of the misleader.  This is the leader who makes an idol of himself and his office and who thus mocks God.”


Today’s leaders should take heed.  Hitler was obviously listening because the radio broadcast was cut off soon after this comment.