Greatest Hits: Falling Rain



This song, from Anodyne’s second CD The Comfort of Chaos, was written in 2006. The basis of the song initially comes from Jesus’ statement in Matthew 5:45 where He states that God “gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too.” I have really grown to appreciate that verse, and the main concept for me is how at times things happen that are not necessarily some master plan to ruin your life. I mean, as Christians, it is easy to think that being a Christian should only mean happy times, and when sadness comes, then maybe something terribly wrong has happened.


Well, maybe….but sometimes “rain falls on the just and the unjust.” In other words, its just the way the world works…and if you forgot your umbrella, then you’ll get wet.


So, the song generally is stating that yes, life can be very frustrating. Often it feels like maybe there is some huge conspiracy against you, or like I wrote, you are confronting a “rubik’s cube of pain.” Well, instead of giving up or giving in, I think you smile and face the rain.


I hope you enjoy it.