Greatest Hit: 2:39

It’s a lament. To lament is “to express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness.”




The song’s title does actually relate to the fact that when I wrote it, back in the 1990’s, one night at 2:39 am, I found myself tossing and turning, frustrated about life.  So, I finally got out of bed, picked up my guitar and started playing.  About an hour later, this song had emerged.


The song expresses an oft-stated question about whether God really is there, really is listening, really cares about my life….about anyone’s life. I know He does; I knew it then and over my 5 decades of life, I have seen His hand often at work in my life and the lives of others around me.


HOWEVER….as Job, Elijah, Joseph and even Jesus lamented…at times God sure is silent and seems distant. As I sang, is God there, somewhere out in the distance…or is He close, yet quiet and unseen. The Bible says both, and there is comfort in both truths.


He is the Creator, the King of the Universe, out beyond my little world and mental capacity, overseeing the totality of creation…and my issues are contained WITHIN that…so He sees me. And He is also Immanuel, He who draws near, close, personable, beside me. As He said to Hagar, He sees me and is there to comfort me.


The song was recorded on my first CD, “Walkin” back in the mid-1990s. The wonderful Cory Sams recorded it for me and he is the masterful soloist you hear. I can play the solo now, so that is me in the video, but it sounds so much better with his skill. I hope you enjoy it.