The World Ahead of Her

I know I’m old now.  On Saturday, my daughter Logan turned 20.  That’s a “2” in front of her age.  She’s no longer a little girl.  She’s an adult (okay, okay…NEXT year when she hits 21).  Still hard to believe this happened….and yet, of course, not hard to believe.  The past 20 years have flown by and my love for her has grown.00000038
I wonder what the world looks like ahead of her? Every parent does….or should…wonder about the world ahead of their child. Will it be nice? Will it be fair? How will she do navigating it?
Logan will do great. She’s smart, both book smart and street smart. She’s great with other people too, going out of her way to help make others feel connected, involved, included.
Later this summer, she is heading out to finish her college degree in theater. She could end up being a director, a stage manager or an actor. She can sing, sew, paint, dance….I mean, she’s the whole package and her challenge will just be in deciding where her greater interest lies.
I don’t know what will come next for her. All I know is how much I love her. She’s the best gift I ever received. I remember when I told my then boss, swim coach Bill Peak about the fact that Kim was pregnant, he was so excited. Bill, a Vietnam veteran, was actually not a very gregarious man, having lived a tough life, but he happily grabbed my shoulder with one hand and pounded by other shoulder with his other hand. His big smile spoke volumes but then he said “you are a better coach already.”
He was right of course. I was a better coach, better husband, better minister, better everything once Logan came into my life. I love my other daughters tons and they taught me different things, but Logan made me a Daddy. It was the best experience of my life. I am so happy she is my daughter.


Happy Birthday Logan.  The world lies ahead of you.  Go with God and live well!