Wednesday History Note: Solomon, 3rd King of Israel

“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”


When I wrote in a previous Wednesday History Note about the word “numinous,” I spoke of the creature awareness that is important for the human to understand in his/her approach to God.  Solomon brings in a similar concept here…yet one we don’t usually like.  Today, in 2016, most everyone is looking for wisdom, either personally or at least from some of our leaders (any of our leaders??).  But, we miss this key step in the journey of wisdom.  “Fear of the Lord” or perhaps to be better illuminated, think of “awe” of the Lord….that is the foundation or beginning of wisdom.  If one thinks of God at all, they typically want to think of the kindly old grandfather image.  Or, if they go to fear, then they often go down a dark path of a vindictive, cruel image.  Both are wrong.  To get the idea of the numinous, this sense of awe, think of the Grand Canyon.  You stand at the edge of the massive, overwhelming canyon and can simply stare, almost in a stupor.  The awe is palpable.   Or, think of the depths of the sea or climbing a great height.  You sometimes hear divers or climbers talk about why they do it with a reply of “because it’s there.”  The awe has drawn them in, even though they are usually quite aware of the danger inherent.


This year, be a seeker of wisdom.  Start with God.  Approach Him with awe, with reverence.