Twenty (One) Years Ago

I’ve already written a couple of posts on Fast Company’s 20th anniversary.  I guess if you read here often, you know I am a fan.  Robert Safian began that issue sharing how his son was born in 1996.  My daughter Logan was born in 1995.  She too is twenty at the same time as the magazine.


Or, she was till yesterday.  On April 18, 1995 my life changed forever, for good…great good!!  Safian described my own experience:  “The doctor handed me the scissors.  As I pressed down the blades, snipping the umbilical cord, I looked up at my wife.  She was smiling….” holding our little girl.    Logan Sterling Creasman (middle name in honor of her mother, her great-grandfather who was a missionary, and one of my very best friends from college) came into our lives, bring sparkle and jazz.P1260086


I really can’t believe Logan is 21.  She is a brilliant junior at Denison University, majoring in Theater and Drama.  She’s an amazing actor, wonderful writer and I think could be a stellar director.  Her leadership skills are very impressive.  But more importantly, she is a woman of virtue. She cares for others.  Her Christian faith drives her view of life, with a deep passion for justice, especially for those less fortunate.


The world has changed a ton since she came into it.  You should go read Fast Company’s list of “20 Moments That Matter,” key events that “moved the world forward.”  As a historian, I love this stuff.  As a cultural scholar, considering what events have transformed our society is a critical exercise.  FC focused more on business and technology. but they are also aware of the cultural changes.  They noted key moments such as when Amazon focused on speed with 1-Click technology in 1997, the explosion of our interconnection with the first major computer virus (Melissa in 1999) and Napster in 2000.   Apple’s iPhone in 2007 was obviously listed, and the explosion of mobile computing that came from the iPhone (and iPod in 2001, iPad in 2010) was captured by the Arab Spring movement in 2009-10.



As I consider both the last 21 years since Logan came, and then looking ahead to the years to come, I know I will count on her (and her sisters) to help me navigate the changes that will come.  I know I will be in good hands.


Happy Birthday my dear.  I love you very much.