Wednesday History Note: Socrates

 thinking is “discourse [λόγος] that the soul itself goes through with itself about whatever it is examining… The soul, as it appears to me, in thinking does nothing other than converse with itself, asking and answering itself, and affirming and denying.” (Plato, writing about Socrates’ celebrated declaration to Theaetetus)


If, in our 21st century world, you never have silence…when or where do you have space by which you can hear yourself think solely.  Meaning, without the noise of other voices?  Can you go a day without looking at Twitter or Snapchat, avoiding Instagram or Facebook, turning off CNN or ESPN?


This is one reason why I love riding my motorcycle.  For those miles on two wheels, there is nothing but the sound of my bike.  I can hear myself think.  Where is your quiet place?