Brave Response to Acts of Terror

I first started working on this post after the terror that struck in Orlando back in June at the Pulse nightclub.  Since then, dozens of other “senseless acts of terror” have been committed throughout the world.   As I both thought about my response and then heard others also pondering a response, the thought of King Theoden came to mind.   Take a look at the full response here:





Like the King, surrounded by so much hate, reckless and senseless, it is easy to slide into despair wondering what should one do.  Over the past 2-3 years, as these acts of violence spread and occur more frequently here, there is a numbing feeling that emerges.  As the King implies earlier in the film, perhaps its just better to do nothing, or maybe worse, let the enemy of his people just come on in and kill everyone to get it over with.


The clip provides the full episode between King Theoden and Aragorn, as shown in the movie The Two Towers. As the enemy forces are breaking into the citadel of Helm’s Deep, Theoden is close to giving in, giving up. Though this scene is NOT what J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in The Lord of the Rings, Director Peter Jackson decided to film it this way with Theoden close to despair.  Aragorn, the future King, urges him not to cower, but rather to stand up against the enemy. He urges Theoden to ride out in a glorious defense of his people and his way of life.


What is the right response to reckless hate like we see in horrible mass shootings? Hiding is NOT the right response nor is giving in to their demands nor is just giving in with numb inactivity.  Instead, as Aragorn says in the Lord of the Rings movie The Two Towers, we must ride out to meet them. That doesn’t necessarily mean turn to violence, but certainly it means take action.  If you have missed the memo, there is a concerted effort to attack our country and our way of life.



Defend your lifestyle. Defend our values. Determine to stand. Do not give in to their hate, but if they want to destroy our lives, we will meet them to oppose them—with strength, courage and love!