Psalm 119 A Love Ode

I spent the past few weeks away from the blog, as I processed with my city about how we move forward, what we should say and how should one feel about what happened.  I’m still not sure how much I should say right now; there are so many questions still to answer.  The wisdom of Proverbs come to mind that it is better to hold one’s tongue lest you appear the fool.  Proverbs 10:19 says “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.”  Proverbs 21:23 says “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”

Love Ode 119


So, as a tip-toe back to releasing my regular schedule of posts about how to Live Well, I’d like to announce the release of my latest book.  This is a short study of Psalm 119.  The book can be read as any other book, but I designed it as much for someone to use over a month in a slow study of the psalm.  You can pick up a copy here, at Lulu press.


Psalm 119 is the longest book in the Bible, and generally it is understood as one long continuous reflection on God’s laws and rules for living.  And, it is that.  But, as I spent over a year in the chapter, I found something else.  It is a love ode, a song of love and devotion and passion about God’s way for life success.


I mean, I guess I could say that the Psalmist is expressing his version of what my blog is about: how to Live Well.  This has been my point…there is a path, a foundation for how to live well.  And, by contrast, other paths, though they appear wide and popular, are actually a path to destruction.  Our country has clearly lost that path, and many recent events (including the tragedy in Orlando) point to the fact that we have lost our way.  The election is a reflection of our uncertain minds while at the same time an expression that both political sides of the country think they know a way back to national wholeness.  Meaning, if you listen to both Clinton and Trump (let alone Sanders or Cruz), no one is saying the country is fine, healthy and great.  Everyone says a variation of “we’ve lost our way.”


There is a way back for us….or maybe better, a way forward that doesn’t involve demonizing people because they don’t agree with you.  I would offer that my little book might actually be helpful for you.  I hope you get a copy today.  It’s only $6.99.  It would be great for a small group study too, so its easy to pick up multiple copies.  And if you’d like for me to come work with your group to teach them, please contact me.  I would be eager to come visit you and your group.