Happy Thanksgiving

You may not think it today.  In fact, reading Facebook or listening to people around my college, many seem to believe that they have nothing to be thankful for.


You are so wrong.


You have so much going for you when you compare yourself not only to the vast majority of world citizens, but to the millions of people who have lived on the planet in our history.  Let me make a quick list:


  • you can read
  • you have computer of some sort to read this
  • you have electricity
  • you live in a time when you can watch 100s of media channels showing various types of entertainment
  • you live in a time when you can actually talk to someone on the other side of the world and see their face while doing so
  • if you live in the US or Canada, you have a vast abundance of food…many in North America have between 3-6 weeks worth of food in their pantry on which they could subsist if necessary
  • if you live in the US or Canada or Mexico, then you live where no war from external enemies has touched your nation in over  150 years.
  • you have an abundance of clothing…many Americans have between 2 and 3 months worth of clothing they could wear without washing a thing (except undergarments)
  • you live in a time when the most advanced medical services are available to you even if you have no money


I know, I know…some of you may want to quibble with me.  And yes, I realize that whatever challenges you are facing today are big to you…regardless of what anyone else feels.  I’m not minimizing those issues.




You are currently alive.


There’s really no other reason necessary to be thankful.   I pray you can see it.