Stunned by Beauty

On Tuesday, I finally got all of my daughters back under my roof.  It was a beautiful thing. Here at the end of the year, I can breathe in slowly and rejoice for my girls are all home.   2016 has been a crazy year…but in many respects, its been similar to the past…highs and lows, joys and sadness.  Unexpected events that bring me joy and ones that bring me sadness.  And confusion…oh the confusion.  Why did that happen?  Why?  Why?  Why?


Last week, I went to see Will Smith’s latest movie Collateral Beauty.  I highly recommend it to you.  Oh, I know the critics hated it. collateral_beauty_poster I read one who said the story was highly improbable.  Well, come on, you are being visited by spirits or ideas…not that much different than Clarence the angel saving George Banks in Its a Wonderful Life (I bet the critics hated that one too).


I won’t give it all away, but the main focus (as the trailer lays out) is to become more aware of the beauty around us.  All the time, there is goodness and beauty.  All the time.  Each breath that you take.  Each time you see a butterfly.  Even a thunder storm…when the waves are crashing.  All the time, there is beauty.


This idea, to me, is core to the entire Christian history of God coming to earth as a human.  He came to bring us a way to find peace….not peace as the world offers or suggests.  Through his mysterious offer, his plan created before the start of the world, there is harmony.  But it takes “eyes to see” and “ears to hear.”  He didn’t come in fanfare or a blaze of lights (He will do that later), but instead in the quiet of the night, in a dusty corner of the Roman Empire.  To see the miracle there indeed demands seeing the beauty all around.


I hope as you head closer to the Christmas celebration day, you begin to also have eyes to see.  Yes, those eyes may be red and tear-stained.  You may indeed be looking through pain.  Look anyway.  There is goodness all around.


Be stunned by the beauty.


Rejoice.  Again I say rejoice.