iPhone Credit

Why am I the only one who sees danger with the idea that we can use our cellphones/smartphones to buy things?  Doesn’t anyone else see this easier way to purchase on credit merely sinking us deeper into the dangers of financial foolishness?  Its no wonder that the country, at large, doesn’t really get the danger that the country is in relative to the national debt.  Try reading what happened to France in the 1780s as she couldn’t meet her debt or Germany in the 1930s as hyperinflation spiraled out of control.

So, with that thought in mind, take a look at this article.

Fast Company’s take at least ended with the acknowledging the possibility that this could be terrible for us:  “In other words, it really is looking like that in the near future you’ll be making some of your electronic credit card payments in stores via an Apple device. Possibly the very near future if some sort of revolution is kicked off. It’ll start with traditional credit card swipes and signatures–hopefully including the clever chip-PIN system for Europeans–and then might move on to wireless systems. Is this clever and convenient or tech-moving-too-fast scary?”