Unmoored: America Adrift Podcast Episode 1: A storm Blows Wildly

It is my contention, I believe obvious among any casual observation, that US society and culture, is in peril. As a nation, we are adrift at sea, hence “unmoored” from the safety and protection of good harbor, of a dock set upon a stable foundation. This setting has happened because over the previous 4-5 decades, knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the nation’s history has fallen so that there no longer is correct comprehension of the events of our founding.

Episode 1 examines why “crisis and turmoil” has happened, including current evidence that it is happening, and who are the principle “players” in this “crisis and turmoil.”  We will talk about the three major “crucial ills” that have emerged over the past 50 years that I think are central to understanding the situation.