Unmoored: America Adrift Podcast Episode 7: Christianity’s Positive, and Crucial, Contribution

Episode 7 is a continuation from the last episode in which we were examining the deep impact of the Christian faith on Western society. We started at the broad level of trends and concepts that were noted about the Christians, things that stood out to contemporary non-Christians, so much so they wrote about these odd behaviors.

We noted in episode 6 the Christian contribution saying ‘the human had worth’ is the central, most vital concept that this faith added to the world. But how? In this episode, we look at the myriad of new ideas that, while today are common or assumed, were introduced with the coming of this new faith.

Why this matters is that as we are seeking safe harbor, we suddenly become aware that we not only shouldn’t get rid or exclude Christianity, but that we NEED it. The very things the Progressive is fighting for (voting rights, rights of individuals to for personal expression, economic equity rights, rights for freedom to do whatever with one’s body, etc…) ARE ONLY DUE to the influence and impact of Christianity. Those ideas or concepts are unknown in the ancient world, especially when broadly considered (for everyone, not just the only people of my tribe).

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