Drive Free, Retire Rich from

Drive Free, Retire Rich – Automobiles –

The decision to control your finances is critical to anyone making it in today’s economic messed-up world.  I’m not sure when this flash presentation was made and some of the details (car payment example, % of return in mutual fund, etc) may be points to debate.  However, the core concept holds true.

I first read of this idea way back when we got married in 1989 from financial guru Larry Burkett.  The concept remains valid today–pay yourself rather than a bank.  It just takes discipline, resolve and some patience.  And, a bit of extra cash if you are like a lot of people–so cash-strapped that you can’t conceive of any car payments right now, to a bank or to yourself.

But, if you do make a car payment, or know that buying a new car is coming no matter what in a few years, then whether you think you have the cash or not, you’ll sign on for car payments.  In that case, why not start now?  Take a look and begin today to control your own financial decisions.