Creating Change

Ah, the New Year. Here we are, rocking along, and BOOM, it’s time to start all over again. Ever feel like it’s a bit forced? A bit too convenient to think about a new year? Well, perhaps it is; clearly it’s a human thing to try and trap time. It is artificial in many respects to look at January as some new start when in reality it’s just another 24 hours of the sun around the earth.

Yet, we need that shake up for change don’t we? Left to ourselves, we hit entropy fairly easily. I see it every semester. Students come charging into the class, pumped and ready, yet within a few weeks, slumping shoulders, tired eyes and thoughts about withdrawing arrive. We need the concept of a “New Year” to push us to reconsider where we are, what we are doing and how will we proceed.

My friend Matthew Porter and I were talking about this and he said that he was still working on his New Year’s thoughts. But then he hit the nail on the head when he said, “I’ve got to get finished though because otherwise, I’m just sitting here thinking about what to do and not actually do anything. You can sit and watch life pass by or you can get up and participate.”


So, are you actively participating? Are you clear on your purpose and the goals you have set to accomplish that purpose?

If not, use this New Year period to get that clear. Take stock. Take time. Reflect. Write things down. Then, start moving. One last thought; you don’t need to wait for New Year’s to do this. You can create change and avoid entropy as often as you wish. Shake things up a bit. Simply take some time to identify what are some of the things you wish to accomplish. Write down what you think the steps are to get there. Your first step might be to investigate others who have gone before you to see how they succeeded. Remember, “Success leaves clues.”

Avoid falling into the trap of blindly moving forward, as if a prisoner, chained to your path, head down in despair, with no options. Treat each new day as the start of the New Year. Look for new ways to do your work better, to reach your goals better. Remind yourself that you are a Champion with valor and you are going places.

It’s the New Year. Celebrate by living boldly in all you do!