No one knows the time

We interrupt our normal schedule of postings on Tuesday and Thursday for a special post about a current issue.  As my regular readers know, I am a Christian and the leader of a spiritual community here in Orlando.  Many of you have probably seen the billboards or heard the uproar about a group of “Christians” who are claiming that Jesus is coming back for “Judgment Day” tomorrow, Saturday May 21st.


While I could spend some time expressing my frustration with these kinds of people, how they ruin the entire integrity of believers and then question their overall faith standing, I won’t.  Let me simply share with you exactly what Jesus said.  I know that many of you are not Christians and perhaps you even wonder about the validity of the historical record.  I promise you that with all academic integrity, the historical record about Jesus is the strongest such record from antiquity.  In other words, we have stronger evidence and support for Jesus than we do for other historical figures of that period. One of the Biblical writers who reported on Jesus directly was Dr. Luke; most scholars today consider him one of the foremost historians of the first century.  Let’s see what Luke reports to us.


We just experienced Easter here in the US.  Easter reflects back to the week when Jesus moved towards the culmination of his work here on earth.  Jesus came to Jerusalem in the week leading up to the Passover.  During that week, he had various encounters and teaching, and during one of those moments, Jesus himself warned about the kinds of people who would attempt to scare us about judgment day.  He said, “Don’t let anyone mislead you. For many will come in my name, claiming to be the Messiah and saying, ‘The time has come!’ But don’t believe them.” (Luke 21:8).


Earlier, in the days before he entered Jerusalem, he had also warned about about people who would suggest they knew when Jesus was coming back.  Jesus stated, “The time is coming when you will long to see the day when the Son of Man [a title Jesus used for himself] returns, but you won’t see it. People will tell you ‘Look, the Son of Man,’ or “Here he is,’ but don’t follow them.  For as the lightening flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so it will be on the day when the Son of Man comes.” (Luke 17:22-24).


When Matthew, another of the writers about the life of Jesus (and someone who spent direct time with him), told this same story, he shared another tidbit that Jesus said.  “No one knows the day or hour when these things [the Judgment day, Jesus’ return–there are multiple titles for this event] will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the Father knows.” (Matthew 24:36)


I suppose if there is any good thing with groups like this, it is that people like myself get to have spiritual conversations when typically others are reluctant to do so.  Is it important that you know about the return of Jesus?  Yes.  It is even MORE IMPORTANT that you understand what it means to be in right relationship with God through Jesus, and then live your life accordingly.  I would love to have that conversation with you.


If you live in the Orlando area, I welcome having a chat with you about these things; call or come by.  If you are someone who lives far away, email me!  Or, leave a comment here in the blog.  I will respond.


In a recent conversation about this issue with some friends at work, I told them my stance that I have held for years.  I shared about Jesus words that I have written above and then said “since Jesus doesn’t even know, neither can I.  I do know He is coming back, at some point, in His own good time.  I am ready for him to come back now.  As John wrote elsewhere in the Bible, ‘even so Lord, come quickly,’ but at the same time, I am also planning on living far beyond May 21st.”


Today, make sure you live well.  Make choices right now to invest in your own successful future.  Do you have a school project deadline?  Get at it.  Are you needing to get a better handle on your financial matters?  Do it.  Is there someone with whom you need to restore and repair a relationship?  Make that call.  We certainly don’t have a promise of tomorrow, and yes, Jesus can come back whenever He wishes, but, you need to plan on living your life and dealing with all of the issues of your life.


Live well.  I know you can do it!