A New Year Again

Back in 1973, Bob Seger wrote “Turn the Page,” a slow moving song that tells the story of a rock star (probably meant to be autobiographical) about life out on the road as a singer.  Nine years later, in something of an attempt to “stick it to the man” as well as to all the girls who would have wished for something more sentimental, the guys in senior class led a successful effort to choose this as our graduation song.   The chorus was really the point connected to our graduation, where Seger sings “Here I am, on the road again. There I am, up on the stage; here I go, playing star again…there I go, turn the page.”


A New Year is like that…a chance to turn the page.  Everything fresh.  Resolutions are often made.  Determinations begun in the realm of better health.  Devotions to others come forth and fresh energy to move towards a goal is found.


We like the sense of the fresh, of the beginning (even “beginning again”).  The parking lot at our campuses of Valencia College are always packed for the first week or two.  Then, of course, the reality of maintenance sets in.  Making it to classes or the gym or just to our own promises is always easy at the start.  Its in the middle where we always struggle.  And yet, the New Year celebration provides for us a clue how to live well, how to move resolutely towards our goals.


Every day is a New Year Again!!


Truly…it really is.  Think about it.  The idea of the January New Year has not always existed.  For many centuries prior to the birth of Jesus, it was mid-march.  The month’s of January and February were not even part of the calendar till around 150 BC and not till Julius Caesar changed the calendar to a solar-based one a century later (in 46 BC) did January 1 take on more significance.  And…then it didn’t…for the next 1500 years till 1582 AD with the coming of the Gregorian calendar, people still celebrated various dates from mid-December through mid-March as the start of a new year.  Even today, a new year is celebrated in Ethiopia in September and in late January in many Asian countries (Chinese New Year for 2015 is February 19).


What all that means is the idea of a new start, of fresh beginnings can be each and every day.  Every day you open your eyes, it is as if you have been born, brought to life.  It is a fresh start.  And, you know, regardless of any failures the previous day, any moments when you weren’t your best self, you can still begin anew.


Let this truth empower and encourage you!   It’s a brand new day…so, turn the page and let’s get going!