Celebrating Life

Today is my baby’s birthday.  Fifteen years ago, our darling Logan Sterling came into the world.  I can still remember the moment vividly.  A few hours before, I was still a very disinterested man, somehow wondering if there was some way out of this.  Of course, knowing there wasn’t, I prepared for the stresses of childhood.

Two seconds after Logan came into the world, I was mesmerized.  The miracle of birth that God has provided, perhaps as a reminder that we were once frail, struck me like a freight train.  This little person was counting on me.

She was crying as the nurses took her immediate vitals.  I walked over to the heated table and called her name, and though she still couldn’t really see, she stopped crying and turned her head towards my voice.  She knew my voice!

I was blown away!  I was in love!

Still am, 15 years later.

I hope that you get to celebrate important moments like this some day.  They are special and honestly, after 45 years, I can tell you they are rare.  I wish it were different, that we saw these kinds of miracles all the time.  Then again, perhaps if we did, we’d get as jaded as we are to smaller miracles, like when our eyes open each morning or we see the sun rise again.  So, know that when that rarest of moments comes, when your heart stops and you are blown away by the most incredible moment, relish it, savor it, drink it in!

Happy Birthday Logan.