Debate fact check information

Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight.  Since I chose to have a 3 part series on “The Choice” (part one on yesterday, part two tomorrow morning), I thought including some links from would be useful.  As with many aspects of policy (the topic that was most discussed tonight—depth, facts, details–which I personally like), a lot of how you feel about it depends on how one defines terms.  Both President Obama and Governor Romney admitted that at certain points during the debate.  Thus, having someone else checking the facts is useful.


Rather than trying to just give you my spin, here are links to some of the key things said tonight.  Note, some of these articles were written previously; said they would use their previous posts to correct errors made by the two men, and then probably release a more informed post about the debate itself later.


Their overall take via Twitter can be found here.

On Healthcare claims both men made

On Romney’s “Scary Medicare” claims

Numerous Obama errors based on previous speeches he has made

Numerous Romney errors based on previous speeches he has made


Some key statements by factcheck:


  • Obama says Romney-Ryan Medicare plan a “voucher” plan. Not exactly.
  • Romney says he will pay for $5T tax cut without raising deficit or raising taxes on middle class. Experts say that’s not possible….
  • Obama says he’d increase tax rate on high-income earners to no more than they paid under Clinton. Not so.
  • Romney said 23 million “out of work.” It’s half that. 23M includes parttimers and those who stopped looking.
  • Obama says you will get a rebate from insurance cos. But most rebates will go to employers, not individuals.