Feeling tentative, overwhelmed…hating it but pushing through

Ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach?  You know you have tons to do, but its hard to focus?  You feel like there are about 100 things you should be taking care of, but you aren’t sure where to start?

I hate that feeling with a passion!

My students tell me about this from time to time–a big paper is looming, a project is on the horizon, or sometimes just the issues of a relationship that is building.

My advice tonight, as I sit here struggling to move forward (wondering if I’d be better off to just get into bed) is to keep pushing through.

Simple.  Nothing complicated or too philosophical.

Of course you didn’t hear it from me first.  Tons of people have said this, lived this, encouraged others with this.  Still, its good because it is so simple and so true.  Nothing will be completed if you just shut down.  Sure, going to bed at 9:46 when you are tired and feeling overwhelmed is okay, but the overall sense of “quitting” just doesn’t help.

Push through.  Keep hammering.  Whatever your dream is that you are worried about or twisted up wondering about—keep pushing.