Greatest Hits: Angel Song

Here’s the next song in a running (for now) channel from my blog of several videos of what I think are my best songs.  Many of you know that I have played guitar and written songs for about two decades now; others of you may not know that I have had the fun opportunity in producing six CDs.  I think some of the songs are very good, others not so much.  Different songs are liked by others, again…others not so much.  🙂  I wanted to share some of the best with everyone in some very low-budget videos.



This is my parents’ favorite song, certainly of my mother.  She swears it should be released in Nashville by some country singer; she mentions it all the time—Mom’s are supposed to say that of course.  🙂  I do like it or I wouldn’t have shared it with you here.


I wrote it back in 1996 when my first daughter Logan was an infant; she had already stolen my heart and was a blessing to me. At the time I didn’t know God would bless me with two other wonderful daughters, Meryn and Brynn, but since He did, I can easily say that the song is about all 3 girls.  Life can be so hard, such a struggle, and we miss the fact that God does send angels among us in ministry.  Sometimes, I think, those angels are simply the beautiful people God puts around us.  For me, my three girls are still that way….a blessing to my heart, helping me be brave in the dark and willing to go back out into the world for another day.  As the song says, even as I feel all alone today, when I ask, God sends an angel my way….my baby Logan and her two wonderful sisters, Meryn and Brynn.


When Logan was about two, I thought about making a music video, so I shot some of this footage. That video never got made, but in 2013 I used a lot of that footage to create this video. Again, simple, not Hollywood-great and with the love of a father. I released the song on my first CD, Walkin that was also a simple labor of love.  At the time, a wonderful  young man, Cory Sams, was going to school at Full Sail and also helping me with the student ministry of First Baptist Church of Winter Park.  He and I used a simple 4-track recorder, and with the effort of some of the young men who would later join me in Anodyne, we recorded several songs.  Cory  was the engineer and also the expert electric guitarist who joined on a few songs.


As I have told people over the years, the technical quality may not be superb (by no fault of Cory’s—I simply had no big money to do more with it), but I think the song (and some of the others on the CD) has merit.  I hope you like it.  And if not, no biggee—its a love song to my three girls!!