Greatest Hits: Everyday



Written in July of 2001, this was perhaps the my first song that I wrote for both the worship at my church AND for my band, Anodyne…for us to play out. The verse is a very simple concept, repeated, that merely talks about my desire to walk so closely with God, to just do the things He puts in front of me to do. And, then the chorus comes in with a proclamation that regardless of how it all works out, as I am walking with Him, in the good times and in the bad times, I will praise His name.


Trying to find one’s path in life is very challenging.  Now heading towards my 50th birthday, I find it harder and harder, not easier and easier.  I suppose that is due to various things in my own head, but equally connected to this continued to desire to be in the center of God’s will.  The demand then is to hold tightly to faith and follow His clear commands to love others, to offer justice, to provide mercy, to give grace to others.  In the end, that is a life lived well.


The awesome guitar solo is courtesy of Dennis Lassard, who was helping us with the early recording and tracking of the CD. His wife, Shawn Lessard was formerly a student of mine and she was working with us, at the time, as our band manager. She was great and helped us get some nice gigs here in Orlando.


I hope you enjoy it!