Greatest Hits: The Furious If

Many of you know that I have played guitar and written songs for about two decades now.  I think some of them are very good, others not so much.  Different songs are liked by others, again…others not so much.  🙂   Well, here’s the next one and perhaps what I think of as my best song, at least a top one in the rock genre.  [simfany]304561[/simfany]


This was the title track from Anodyne’s first CD (my personal third album).  I wrote this song in 2003 during the time that the band was starting to take shape and get some opportunities to play out.  The song is attempting to say that very often, I get held back by the word “if.”  I think about doing things, saying things, trying things….and that “if,” the furious word with so much potential and possibly disaster or great acclaim…that word can hold me back.  And yet…at other times, it propels me forward.  “If I ask her, maybe she’ll go out with me.”  “If I talk to you about Jesus, perhaps you will listen.”


I hope you enjoy it….and don’t let the “if” word hold you back but rather send you flying forward just like Icarus (but avoid that hot sun).