Happy Birthday Brynn

My baby is 17 today.  I love it when my blogging day falls on the birthday of my girls.  See, part of why I write is for them.  I want them to have my words and ideas available, but I also want them to see that they were always on my thoughts.


The idea of the Live Well blog is to keep an ongoing “discussion about matters of values, success, and life lived well, both for yourself and for society at large.”  Or, more personally stated, I want my three daughters to know the best path forward for a life of success.  They are always in my mind when I write, when I teach, when I speak, or when I preach for God.


Brynn was such a beautiful addition to our family of girls.  SCAN0381  She brought spunk and a bit of sass, not that the other two were lacking in those categories.  She rounded out our family, making Kim and I feel complete.


Today she hits 17, the last year prior to the grown up world of “leaving for college” and “registering to vote” and all sorts of adult issues.  She is deeply in love with Jesus, and puts all of her talents at his disposal.  She is fierce in her approach to life, yet gentle with others, eager to be a voice of kindness to others.


My prayer for you my darling baby girl is to continue to walk boldly with God, full of grace and mercy.  IM000996The world can be unkind and often unfair, yet don’t allow yourself to succumb to bitterness, to a belief that there must be some unjust conspiracy aimed to harm you.  Instead approach each day with the same zest that is built on the knowledge that God loves you, and that Mom and I are always here for you, believing in you.


Happy Birthday!!