Happy Birthday Dad

Conveniently for me, my Dad’s birthday once again falls on a blog publication day (Tue & Thur for Live Well success posts; Wednesday for my “Wednesday History Note” posts).  I’m very proud of my Dad and so happy to carry his name.  I pray I carry it well.


He’s in his latter 70s today and our conversations now are often turning to the implications of entering these later days of his life.  Prayerfully, he’ll have at least a solid extra decade, but we both know that may not happen.  We are blessed to have had the 51+ years together…far more than some people get.  Life’s changes are not always happy and rarely are they easy (at least they aren’t easy for me).  But face them we must; the question often becomes how well will we face them.


The first month of 2016 is now at its end.  How did you do?  Did you face the new challenge well?  Did you accomplish the goals and steps-toward-goals that you set out back around January 1?  If not, what are you prepared to do about it?


You can let life simply happen to you.  Don’t.  You do remember my favorite Jonathan Swift quote, right?  “May you live every day of your life.”   My dad has.  He still today engages the opportunities of his life with energy and a deep determination.  When we met in December, he was planning a trip to meet with the national President of one of the organizations in which he has deeply given his life.  Not content with an email or phone call…a situation had emerged that, to my Dad, demanded the personal face-to-face meeting.


I don’t know if he did it or not; in fact I would prefer that he not attempt any such long drive now.  Regardless, the lesson is that even in his late 70s, he is determined and purposeful to confront the challenges of life.  I think you should consider making that your plan too.


It’s the best way to Live Well.