Happy Birthday Sis

I’m happy my normal writing day fall on my big sister’s birthday.  Christina Denise Creasman Mason is an amazing woman and a special big sister.  She has shepherded me through my life and been my best and closest friend for longer than all others.  She protectively watched out for me when I was in my crib, and then guided me through the halls of high school when I was a snot-nosed freshman and she a mighty senior.


She remains a deeply devoted Christian who has given her full life to God, the Father.  She is an excellent wife who loves her husband, and accomplishes the exhortations of Proverbs 31 to the full.  She has been an extraordinary mother to five children, two as a step-mother (forget it Disney…you have it all wrong and would see the power of a loving step-parent if you modeled your images on my sister) and three as a birth mother.  Her last child is now a senior in high school and it is easy to see how successful Tina has been as a parent by looking at the lives of her kids.


Congrats on another year sis.  You are the best and I love you dearly!!