Are you paying attention?

John Adams is, perhaps, our most misunderstood President, or at least he is the least favorite of our major founding leaders.  After years of study, it still saddens me that he is so rejected.  Did you know that there is no monument in Washington DC for this man?  It’s an embarrassment.  Adams was among the real vocal leaders who, by 1775, realized what was happening.  Other leaders perhaps wanted to fight, but even some of them weren’t fully sure what they were fighting for.  Others, just as frustrated about taxes or soldiers, really had no inclination that we were moving resolutely towards a break with England.  Adams, though, understood.


Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, measures in which the lives and liberties of millions, born and unborn are most essentially interested, are now before us.  We are in the midst of revolution, the most complete, unexpected and remarkable of any in the history of the world.

private letter to William Cushing, Letters of Delegates to Congress, Paul H. Smith, ed, Vol IV, p. 178.


The amazing thing about many of our founders was that they understood how large their times were.  Men like Adams consistently recorded information about the events for us to know these times. This letter came in June of 1776, when events were moving swiftly towards the major break in July.


It takes great awareness of the situation around you to succeed.  Ask deep questions.  Listen intently.  Focus on the moment.