Meditation and puppies

Feeling overwhelmed?  Not sure of your next step…or even if you should be stepping at all?


Take five minutes to shut everything down.  Yes, really…everything.  Turn off your computer or at least put it fully to sleep.  No music.  No lights.  Nothing.


I was recently in this same quandary facing a myriad of things that need my attention.  Like many people, I can also get easily distracted by email, by some piece of paper that catches my eye or a phone call.  I know that I have a few important things accomplish, but I wasn’t sure what to do first.  So, I went to my bedroom and simply laid down on the bed.  My meditating and relaxing was aided when my two dogs came to join me.  Something excellent and calming about slowly petting a loving dog.  I slowly said The Lord’s Prayer, reminding myself of my connection to the Creator of all, asking for peace and direction.


If you are in your office or other public place, go somewhere away from your current location.  Maybe even sneak into the broom closet.  The bathroom can be good, especially if you can find a quiet one, or one not on your own floor of work.   If you have time to walk outside, then go outside, though it won’t be as quiet out there.  Still, being in God’s fresh air is great way to simply be.


Then, be still.  Sit quietly.  Close your eyes.  Breathe.  Don’t try to “figure it out” or interpret.  For now, just be.


Maybe you’ll be lucky, and a puppy will come join you.   Rest for 5 minutes, not trying to figure anything out, but just being still.  You will amazed at how refreshing and enlightening this will be.   In the still small quiet voice of your mind, you may find clear direction as to what to do next.  Or, you may simply and deeply find the peace of being centered and, as you return to your work, be at a deeper peace that empowers your work.


Go, now, and live well.