Merry Christmas

There is an old tale that starts like all old tales….once upon a time.   Once upon a time, there was a world created by the Maker. The original inhabitants lived at peace in the world, like a grand garden, but the enemy of the Maker captured the world; this evil one came and deceived the original inhabitants. The years quickly fell into darkness. Descendants of the original inhabitants soon forgot original garden, and lived at war with each other, but more importantly, lived at war with the Maker.


Centuries passed, but the Maker planted the memory of the garden, of a life at peace with the Maker, into the hearts of a small subset of the world’s people, connected through genetics. The Maker made a promise to be their God, and they His people, just like it was back in the garden. But, there was a deeper plan, that from within the small subset, those connected by a specific genetics, a path would emerge for all people to lead all back to the original Garden. The Son of the Maker would carve this path out of the rugged wilderness, the dark woods that the world had become.


Initially, these chosen people of the Maker lived at peace, lived in concert with the Maker…but over time, also forgot the plan, and soon lived at war, lived at odds with the Maker. So, to fulfill the deeper plan, the Son of the Maker came at a chosen time, a secret time. He came in a disguise, first born as a simple baby and then a life as a simple carpenter. His invasion of the conquered world was successful, his life was lived, the plan fulfilled and a very small contingent of followers came after the Son, spreading the message about the invasion. Those who heard the good news realized that they had been asleep, they and their ancestors, forgetting the original garden.


Merry Christmas.  Jesus has come.  Awake!  Rejoice.  This is very good news!