My Special Girl

Tomorrow is the birthday of my lovely daughter, Meryn.  She turns 18.  Hard for me to fathom.  Seems like yesterday she was sitting in my lap for this picture. SCAN0244 Fun, silly, sassy, and a little bit crazy….of course, she’s still these things but in a very different way.  Now, she’s basically an adult who is heading off to college in Michigan.


Life is funny that way…you blink and time has shot by and you wonder what you did, what you missed.  Did you live well?  Take advantage of every moment?  Even though I’m sure I missed some things, I know that the last 18 years have been fabulous with this young lady.


Her life wasn’t the easiest.  Not only is she the middle child (don’t get her started on that), but she had to deal with some fairly significant health issues as a young child.  Ultimately, that meant three different stays in hospitals for multiple days as the doctors worked to discover a path forward.  After major surgery in New York at age 5, though, its been smooth sailing forward.  Through it all, her spirit shone bright…perhaps a defining moment in her life as from very early years she has set her mind on being a doctor who helps children.


I don’t know what kind of world we have ahead of her.  The more I watch, the more I worry…and yet, I know that I’ve done all I can to prepare her.  I’ve modeled loving her mother so that hopefully she knows how a man should always treat her.  I’ve challenged her to think deeply, think critically.  I’ve encouraged her creativity in the arts: painting, singing, acting and of course dancing.  I’ve given her a foundation of the Christian faith and what that means for a worldview of how to treat others with love, mercy and grace.


Meryn, I am so proud of you.  You are a bright shining light who brightens my day everyday.  Keep that smile going, even as you have to meet and interact with others who are not so kind.  Even as some may wish to take advantage of you, of your sweet heart, of your mercy, remember to love at all times.


Dance away now my little sweet dolly.  Off you go, into the world.  Know that I am always cheering for you and always here for you. I love you dearly!