No Limits

The path for success is usually only blocked by one person….yourself.  Sure, I know that other factors impact the final conclusion…oh, how I know that personally.  Yet, for many, they never really get to the place where those factors become the definite stop of their dream.  Instead, they limit themselves by simply not pushing through to completion.


I was writing to a student about how to really succeed in my class, but as my regular readers will know….I was writing about success in life.  So, I wanted to share it with you as well.  Just keep in mind that even as some bits are specific to a college class, they hold true for whatever goal you are shooting for.


 Words to the Wise


Here’s the best advice I have, but you probably won’t like it.  Before, though, you decide to ignore it, ask yourself just how badly you really want to achieve your dreams.   If you really have a dream (I hope you do!!), then fight for it….no matter what sacrifice it entails.


First point—eliminate ALL OTHER DISTRACTIONS for the next 10 days.  [this idea of 10 days was connected to the length of time that our online class had left; you may need more than 10 days, so the specificity of that won’t necessarily work in your case, but the general idea still is solid….you simply can’t finish your goal if you get distracted by other things.]

–NO FACEBOOK!  No other social media.

–Spend ZERO TIME online except for whatever work you need to do for your classes.  When you go online for your classes, open no other tabs.

–Play NO VIDEO GAMES, not even a 5 minutes quick game on your smartphone or tablet

–watch NO TV—decide that your dream is more important than the latest TV show or NBA finals

–go to NO MOVIES—every movie you want to see will still be out in 10 days when this class is over

–cherish every minute of your time as if it is your last dollar…use it to the very best.

—tell your friends, family and significant other to NOT CALL….shut them out and focus your full energies on the work.  You will see them in 10 days or so, and if they really love you, believe in you, then they will support you in this.


Second point—KNOW EXACTLY WHEN THE WORK IS DUE.  So, you have something due for me on Friday.  Consider then all of the work due this week.  If something else is due sooner, do it today.  If you have multiple things due on Friday, pick the easiest one and do it immediately.  Don’t stop till you are done.


Third point—focus on passing first, concern about grades second.  If you are being squeezed for time, it is better to turn in two average attempts than to strive longer to get a better grade on one, but a zero or poor grade on the other.  The Internet rule of “good enough” must be your guide, especially if juggling more than 1 class.


Fourth point—miss NOTHING.  Turning in a poor attempt is better than no attempt at all.  Often, the professor may grade leniently enough to give you some credit, and though that one assignment may end up being like  a D or even an F….the game is all about points so if you grab those points, then you are at least helping yourself.


Fifth point—take days off of your work.  You can’t do too many of these (probably), but at the end of the day….what is more important, your current job or the dream job you are working towards?  You aren’t likely to be fired if you take a few days off and put in 15-30 hours of solid work to complete the course work.


Sixth point—sleep less.  For this next two weeks, grab every minute you can.  You can survive on 6 or 7 hours of sleep and if you are taking more than that now (you may not be, of course), then those hours are precious.


At the end of the day, you can do more than you imagine, but you have to determine to actually do it!  Be fierce.  Decide now that no one, not your Mom, not your girlfriend, not your boss, not Facebook, not Youtube, and certainly not yourself….NO ONE is going to keep you from passing this class.   You go put in three-four solid days of 10-15 hours of focused effort and there is NOTHING YOU CAN’T DO!!!


Now, go do it!!