Remember every action is watched

Make sure you keep in mind that everyone is watching.

These days, nothing goes unnoticed.  Make sure that you are focused on what you do and say.  Of course, no one can be perfect, but you have to be aware that as much as you love Facebook or Twitter, all that really means is that the things you do now have a way of coming back to you.

Perhaps its unfair.  I mean, am I really to be held accountable for saying something stupid or unkind 15 years ago?  Well, in the world that we live in now, “yes” you will be held accountable.  Trust me–business will google your name and get to your facebook before they hire you for a $100,000 job.  They’ll do it before they hire you for a $30,000 job.

Don’t believe me–check out this response to LeBron’s latest nike commercial.  It is brilliant in its execution and brutal in its execution.


Certainly LeBron has the right to do or say what he wishes.  He’s a free man in a free country.  But, he should have never said certain things nor made specific promises.  Now, he can’t live this act down.

What about you?  Are you being careful, watching your steps and words?  Others are.