Rest and Relaxation

As we head into the middle of July, we hit that sweet spot of halfway into the summer.  For those students who are “glass half full” types, I suppose you could say we are halfway to the start of the Fall semester.  How are you taking advantage of the summer days?


Steven Covey’s famous book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, was published in 1989, and it was there that I first understood the idea of proper rest.  Covey’s 7th habit was called “Sharpen the Saw.” Covey’s point is that a highly effective person understands that one must provide rest and reflection for the soul.  In the book, he told a story to illustrate his point about cutting down trees.  If someone goes out into the woods to cut down trees, at first the person will do well.  However, over time, the saw and the axe will dull.  If that person thinks “I must keep chopping or else,” he will eventually become totally ineffective.  But, if the person decides to stop sawing, to take a rest from the labor in order to sharpen the saw, the blade of the axe, then after the rest, more wood will be cut than if he had just kept on chopping with a dull saw.


Covey’s website says “Living a life in balance means taking the necessary time to renew yourself. It’s all up to you. You can renew yourself through relaxation. Or you can totally burn yourself out by overdoing everything.”


So, this summer, how are you renewing yourself?  Are you allowing a break from the focus of study?  Have you taken a vacation of some sort?  you need to.


Find time to chill, to kick back, to spend 24 hours with nothing to do, perhaps watching a sunset or floating down a lazy river.  Maybe you can go out and catch some fireflies.  I know the world is seemingly racing towards its own destruction and your own work or personal finances may be increasing your stress.






You deserve it, and you need to sharpen that saw.