Room for all voices

It’s an ethical dilemma—if I know you are drinking poison should I tell you even if I know you believe deeply it isn’t harmful?  Should I tell you anyway and risk offending you?


Of course in our world today, the conversation shouldn’t need to be about finding the courage to speak up.  We are awash in a world of loud screaming, of accusations and finger pointing and anger.  It doesn’t take much of a stroll through social media before you see people who seemingly have no concern whatsoever about speaking what’s on their mind.


Maybe what I am really asking is about listening, not about speaking.  Can you hear someone call your views or decisions into question without immediately launching into an attack?  Sadly, for most people these days the answer is no.


I have many friends on all sides of the issues.  I love having friends on all sides of the issues.  I think it makes me more reflective and contemplative.  Yet, often I see one friend or another launching into one verbal assault after another.  Heck, I’ve seen some cry out for peace and patience, and then post something about a group they don’t agree with, calling some person or group or idea as “hateful” and “haters.”  You know…it really isn’t listening and engendering deeper conversation when you start with bashing another view as hateful.


My prayer over the weeks and months ahead is that we can push back from the brink, from the verbal stones and harsh condemnations, and provide everyone space for their voice.  I know I’m going to continue to warn when I think you or our society is drinking poison.  You may not think it poison, of course, but I hope you will afford me the space for my voice…even if you disagree with it.  I will certainly continue to give you that same grace.


There is room for all voices.