Selfies and Jesus

OK…full disclosure.  If I could rid the world of that word, I would.  But, Jesus probably would have taken a selfie or two.  I mean, come on Carl, it’s just a picture that has you in it.  We’ve done those for years without the word of course….just held out the camera and took the shot.  No big deal.  And yet….


…why does it seem that this merely builds on our ever-growing narcissism?  Remember my statement back in January-–“The evidence is this—we could exchange our national symbol of the eagle for someone taking a selfie.  We are Narcissus, ignoring all other things around us, focused on only self….”  We are still the Land of the Self Absorbed.  Me, Me, Me.


Recently at church we were talking about Jesus urging that our actions should be hidden, a hidden righteousness so to speak, but hidden not necessarily from others, but from ourselves.  Interesting, huh?  How can I do something that is hidden from myself?


Well, I suppose technically He didn’t mean completely hidden, but he certainly did mean not to make a show out of your acts, out of yourself.   The notion is simple, but deep.  This is especially hard in today’s world where words like “selfie” and “trending” have taken over.  Both are words that I wish I could banish, not for the word itself of course but for what the idea stands for.


Today, as you make your way through the world, try this —- instead of everything having to do with yourself, with all actions only reflecting the “Me Monster”….put the focus on others.  Hold that door for another.  Let someone else move in front of you on the road.  Take a picture of another person with *gasp* you NOT in the picture.


Just live and let your good actions shine before others.  You know what?  I bet some others will notice and perhaps one will want to take your picture.  That’s cool….take the picture with them, then just quietly go back about your business in putting other first.