Success Thoughts redo

Back in 2008, I wrote these words.  Today, in 2015, I am sitting here on a day when I put my middle daughter on a plane to leave for college, and later this week I will take my eldest daughter to Ohio for her Junior Year at Denison University.  What I wrote seven years ago remains deeply true today, so I wanted to repeat them.  And then, for added measure, add one more thing.


#1—Let Go—remember the old adage “practice makes perfect?”  Well, as a coach of swimmers, many of whom had NCAA careers (some even made Olympic trials), what I taught was that “practice makes habits” and thus what we have to work on is building habits that will sustain us when the race really is on.  Under pressure of the actual event, we simply can’t take time to start “thinking about it” if we hope to really achieve top peak performance.  To really get to life success, you have to let go the conscious mind and let the body simply take over. But remember, to get there, you have to put in the foundation of focused, diligent effort in “practice” that builds habits that sustain.


#2—Emphasize the last 10%–I was reading an article about soccer great David Beckham and one of his coaches said something startling.  “Just about every soccer player reaches the same level of cardio fitness, but it’s the extra things you do—that last 10 percent that can separate one player or one team from another.”  The coach went on to explain that Beckham does that, putting in the extra effort on many levels to achieve that level of success.  That is true in every phase of life, gang, so, are you emphasizing that last 10% or are you coasting on your perceived greatness or previous accomplishments?  I can promise you that your competition (for the job, for the raise, for the scholarship, for the internship, for the sale) is not coasting, not the truly great ones.


#3—Find the true love—so many of us find ourselves in situations that we don’t like, often things we think that are beyond us.  Certainly Wednesday, many people in the country will be frustrated after the election, no matter how it turns out and some will feel as if things beyond their control played a role.  We all get that way.  The key for true success comes in how you handle that feeling.  Do you complain bitterly?  Do you rail against the stars as to how things turned out?  Or do you turn to a deeper fire within that enables you to see into the deeper sense of the “NOW?”  I really enjoyed the movie Peaceful Warrior; there’s a great quote in that movie where the mentor, played by Nick Nolte, says “a warrior does not give up what he loves; he finds the love in what he does.”  Many times you may think that you are not getting to do what you love, what you think you should get to do.  A successful person sees that the now is what we have; whether we are happy is a choice we make, not something contingent on the destination or the journey.


And now, in 2015, #4–Have a Deeper “Why”–for myself, that starts with my relationship to Jesus Christ.  I suggest you give it a look too (email me if you have questions about this).   However, from this foundation comes another question about purpose.  Remember, I just told you to find the love in what you do.  At the age of 51, I have serious doubts about merely saying “pursue your passion.”  Some of our passions in no way will ever be a sustainable career.  But, you can marry a love you have with a deep purpose, and in the process, move through life successfully.  If you don’t, though, have a deep seated “why,” then you will have a much harder time.  See, the “deep why” is critical for making it through when the going gets tough.  When you get even more homework on top of other assignments.  When you discover that your workmates are not nice people.  When you find out that another home appliance or automobile has failed and you need money that you don’t have.  In those kinds of moments, it’s not really that the “tough get going” but instead, when the going gets tough, those with a purpose keep going resolutely.  No, it’s not as sexy, but its more true.


So, as you head into a new semester, as my little girls take those next steps as adults, this advice will help you to Live Well.  Let go and let your preparation take over.  Emphasize that 10% differential in your preparation and it will come out in the execution.  And live deeply in the now of where you are sensing the real purpose in being, that true love of now that will release you to rise on your life of success.