Thoughts on Prayer

No, I am not writing this because it’s “Tax Day.”  If I were to do that, I’d probably write about how horrified our Founders would be to see how we have allowed this much power in taxing (…check it out…that is a solid solution to our taxing ills).  I did, though, know it was the 15th obviously, so perhaps maybe some people are praying on this day, praying about their taxes or maybe just their economic situation.


But no, in general, with Easter rapidly approaching and this being Holy Week, I just know that often I am asked about tips for life success.  I tell my students that such a topic is really the point of how I teach my class.  I don’t propose that I somehow cover all key tips for success, but most of what I do in the class is aimed at that.  And I get such wonderful feedback from my students about how useful they find my advice.  But, a topic I never really get to cover in my class is about the deeper connection with God.  If I could, I would tell my students and everyone that the only true path to life success comes from a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.   A key part of that through one’s life is the concept of prayer.


Well, earlier this year, I was leading my church through a Bible study on hearing God written by Bill Hybels.  It was called The Power of a Whisper.   We used this for a 5 week study of about hearing God’s voice.  I found it useful as did my church, but perhaps a wonderful piece of advice came at the end of the workbook we got everyone.


There, on the last pages of the workbook, Hybels provided a suggested prayer process for anyone’s day.  The basic idea is that as you pray, you start by simply asking God to open your eyes and ears.  Then, follow that up with a series of questions.  Check them out:


God, open my ears and my eyes…..

–”As I think on my day, on MY plans and meetings, Lord, are there places or things you wish to change today, promptings you need me to hear, things to let drop away or tasks, conversations, you want to add?”

–”I want to ‘do what is right’ today…what do I need to keep in mind as I pursue that priority of yours?”

–”Is there an injustice in my little corner of the world today, perhaps in my office, in my classroom, on the street where I pass (it could be as simple as picking up trash someone left, or opening a door for someone after another did not)….an injustice I am currently not aware of that you wish for me to deal with, a need you wish for me to meet?”

–”Who needs encouragement today God, perhaps someone who feels oppressed through some feeling of injustice done to them, that I can bring?”

–”Who around me is orphaned, perhaps by friends or family, by workmates or (in their own mind), by You God…help me be the one who needs relationship, befriending, a kind word?”

–”who is the widow, one who has lost loved one either in physical death or (more likely) in relational death; point me towards those who are desperate to not feel alone, who need companionship and community?”


Now, here’s the real kicker.  Take these questions with you.  Rather than just praying and then moving on with your day, bring the praying with you.  Print out these questions, or maybe just one of them.  Tape it to your car dash or send it to yourself in an email; put it in such a way that often through your day, the question(s) are available to you.  So, then as you head into a meeting or walk through the parking lot or have to deal with a client or your boss, even as you drive in what could be a tense commute, think on these things.


Remember what I wrote recently about not knowing the context of others?  Well, that applies here too.  With these questions and prayers on your heart, rather than being angry at how someone acted, instead you can allow yourself to contemplate that maybe the person you are interacting with could be someone who fits in one of these questions.  So, that becomes your chance to offer grace, to offer aid…at least offer a smile.


Give it a try.  Oh, and if you are thinking “well, I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe in that stuff”….well, give it a try anyway.  I can promise you that God is eager to chat with you, and if you don’t want to talk about these things, He’ll still love to talk with you about other topics.  Mostly, He’d just love to make the connection.