Wednesday History Note: David, 2nd King of Israel

Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom.  We adore you as being in control of everything.  Riches and honor come from You alone, and You are the Ruler of all mankind; Your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that humans are made great and given strength.”


David said this at the end of his life (you can read it in I Chronicles 29:11-12), as he was passing the seat of power to his son, Solomon.  I first read this years ago in the early 1990s while doing a study on personal finances, with a group called Crown Ministries.  This was one of the verses we had to memorize, and I was captured by it’s power instantly.  The last phrase is really the part that got to me—it is in God’s hands and his choice about which person is made great and given strength.  Now, that idea raises a host of other questions, which maybe we can address on another day, but for now, just run with it.  In our attempts at riches, whether through the lottery or fantasy sports, or our hopes for Internet fame through “likes” and “followers,” we are mostly wasting effort.  God, and He alone, raises up or tears down.  Our focus should simply be on doing well, being graceful, full of peace.  Do that, and leave the worry about fame or glory or riches in the hands of God.