Wednesday History Note: Eli, High Priest of Israel

“Go and lie down [Samuel].  If someone speaks again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’”


This episode comes from a very famous incident when Eli, the current (but aging) high priest, was training a young boy named Samuel.  Samuel assisted Eli, having been sent there by his parents for training in the priesthood.  Samuel had a nighttime incident where the Lord spoke to him.


I share it with you not to focus on what God told Samuel, though you can read it yourself in I Samuel 3:11-14.  Instead, two things jump out that are of use to you today in 2016.  First, never decide that God is not interested in your life or the events/issues of our world.  He is and He still speaks today.


Second, some of you know what it is like to face decisions or to be unsure of what your next step should be.  And some of you have had sleepless nights when it is possible that the Lord is trying to speak to you.  So, be open to God’s voice.  Eli’s words to Samuel ring true for us too.  Be listening to God’s voice.  Proclaim your openness to that voice and your willingness to follow His ways.