Welcome back

Since it has been over a month since I last posted, a few faithful readers have wondered whether or not I was upset over the election, too disappointed in how Auburn’s football season had gone or was just too deeply focused on the coming movie, The Hobbit.  Actually, it was none of those things.  Instead, I was drowning in my work at Valencia, actually falling so far behind in my grading that for one of the few times in my work as a professor, I took over 3 weeks to get an assessment graded and returned.


Shame, I know!


I did actually apologize to my students.   😎


However, while I was away, I had time to wonder about the approaching Mayan end of the Long Calendar.  What do you think?  Believe we are out of here in  10 days?  Most don’t, of course….but think about this….if you knew you had only 10 days left, who would you see?


What would you do?


What would you try to make right?


Who would you express love to?


In one sense, every day we have is our last day…and our next day.  My prayer for you this Christmas season is that you are living with the awareness that even if the Mayans are wrong (probably are), our time here is short.


It’s too short to waste it on anger.  It’s too short to waste it in a drug-induced haze.  It’s too short to not live boldly.  It’s too short to not live with grace.


So, as you wake up today, a mere 10 days from the end of the world, or better, a mere 14 days from the celebration of the birth of the King, “Welcome back.”


Now, go get busy living.